Eleven years ago in 2009 a few Owners, visiting over a cup of coffee , decided we needed a website whereby we could offer our extra time to other Owners and to the public. One my hobbies is authoring websites for non-profits so I volunteered to build and publish us a site. That was 15 years ago and we have grown of 25 Owners to now over 500 who are registered. We know there are many more in that end we would appreciate your reference and recommendation of our Timeshare Owners website to your friends.
For the record we do not represent the corporation know as the "Inn at Mazatlan", it’s management or its sales department. We are just a group of owners like yourself, who have a Website.
Our primary domain name is www.ownersattheinn.com and that will take to our website. For the first 10 years we used the domain of www.innatmazatlanowners.com This name has been retired, but for now it still forwarded to our current domain.
Why did we change after 20 years. Because most of you Owners could not remember the long name. Between emails and comments on Facebook this was a topic of discussion a 100 times the last couple of years. We want a name that you an remember. OWNERS AT THE INN. Who are you? Why you are "Owners at The Inn"
We also maintain a Private Group on Facebook “Owners at the Inn at Mazatlan”. This group is open to Owners and their recommended Guests and we have some 890 Owners and Guests following this media. Once you join this Group you may add other Owners or your Guests. However, we do not open this Group to employees or staff at the Inn. Nor do we allow commercial interest or advertising. Too, we do not list our rentals or sales on Facebook. That is our social media and we do our business on this website.
There are no costs associated with any Registered Owner listing a property on the site as the site is operated by donations. This is not explained to solicit a donation as our Web Kitty is well fed, and the financial are disclosed on the site FINANCIALS. Over period of time Owners have reported renting or selling over 1,000 weeks because of their listings on the website. The pride of these "Deals” not ONE instance of misrepresentation or fraud has been reported. This lead us to adopting our slogan
“The Inn were Class meets Class”.
At any time you think we might be of assistance to you please feel comfortable in contacting us.
Norm & Dottie Ribble
Volunteer Webmaster
5201 Roma Ave. NE, Apt 438
Albuquerque, NM 87108
505 350 1742