We could not have our Shopping Spree for the students from El Conchi this year because of Covid-19. We had neither the students, who are in lock down, nor did we have the number of Owners it takes to handle the work of the Shopping Spree.
It appeared that this might be the first year in the past 10 years, that we had not shared some Samaritan giving with our adopted community of Mazatlan. You might not know or remember our first Samaritan year in December of 2011; when we helped an abandoned fourteen year old young girl, who had given birth to two premature baby's.
Ten years ago, Ali Sparrow cradled one of the little ones. We could not have our Shopping Spree for the students from El Conchi this year because of Covid-19. We had neither the students, who are in lock down, nor did we have the number of Owners it takes to handle the work of the Shopping Spree.
It appeared that this might be the first year in the past 10 years, that we had not shared some Samaritan giving with our adopted community of Mazatlan. You might not know or remember our first Samaritan year in December of 2011; when we helped an abandoned fourteen year old young girl, who had given birth to two premature baby's.
Ten years ago, Alli Sparrow cradled one of the little ones.
Mary Williams was the Owner who discovered the story of the birth of these two babies, and actually she deserves credit for setting we Owners on our path of philanthropy in Mazatlan. In 2011 we raised a little money, bought necesssary gifts for the babies and then we drove to EL Quelite to present them to the young lady and her twins.
This was the start of our being Good Samaritans while vacationing at the Inn in Mazatlan.
We discovered this last week, that the Inn was asking guests to contribute toys for the Hogar Mission. This is a home for 26 orphan boys who are 5 to 15 in age. Rich Williams brought this to our attention, and we said by gosh we can support this worthwhile project with the Inn. The Inn's Manager, Manuel Soria, and Maria Estrada were the two spearheading this project for the orphanage. We well remember the Inn's help with our Santa Shopping Spree in furnishing breakfast for we Owner Volunteers and the children from El Conchi, plus the Pinata and Santa.
It was off to Walmart, and between us we filled a shopping bag for each of the young boys. Pants, Shirts, Underwear and of course a package of sweets. Each bag was then labeled individually for each child.
Here under the Christmas Tree are our gifts given by The Owners for Santa to deliver to the Hogar Orphanage.
Dottie Ribble, Maria Estrada and Rich Williams in Masks as conditions dictate, and then without as custom and smiles prevail.
Our appreciation to the Inn for sharing the Christmas Spirit and inviting we Owners to participate.
Just what is Hogar? I took these photos to tell their story from a TV presentation in the lobby.
Owners at the Inn we spent just $600.00 of your donated funds on these 26 Orphaned Nino's making this Christmas special in their lives. Man Oh Man, a new set of clothes and toys too.
The good news is that we still have $2,400.00 in our Kitty as seed money to start our Santa Shopping Spree in January of 2022.